Wind Simulations &
Over 10 years of expertise in wind energy
The Eolify experience
Detailed wind reports & informative factsheets
CFD calculations for complex terrain
Load Profile Analysis & ROI calculation
EolicApp with interactive wind maps and data visualizations
Analysis of shadow flicker, noise emission, ice throw, visibility
3D Visualizations & EolicAR application

Cost-effective wind projects are mainly based on favorable climate conditions at project site. Get the necessary insights for investment decisions through our wind resource and energy yield assessment. Receive a detailed ROI calculation considering the impact of the turbine on its environment and vice versa.
Example Project Site

Exemplary project site in Denmark - south-up orientation
Overview - Planning Processes

The foundation of every wind simulation
Gather available Geo Data
Clean-up short-term met mast data
Measure-Correlate-Predict with long-term high-resolution climate data
Digital Elevation Model and Digital Surface Model
Land use and roughness data
Buffer zones for any local environmental regulations

Prediction through wind simulation software
Wind Resource Assessment
Generation of wind maps at different heights AGL
Validation with met mast data or yield from existing turbine(s)
Site evaluation and optimization
Wind park wake effects

Check if the site is cost-effective
Energy Yield & ROI
Database of power curves of wind turbines
Arrangement of microgrid including solar energy and energy storage system
Load profile analysis with high-resolution energy yield
Complete ROI calculation
Analyze complex wind conditions
CFD Simulation
Impact of surrounding buildings and vegetation on predicted wind conditions
Analysis throughout all wind sectors
Site optimization
Energy Yield and ROI recalculation

Visibility, shadow flicker, noise and ice throw
Environmental impacts
Analysis of the turbines’ environmental impacts that can lead to time-related shutdown and therefore affect the assessed energy yield
Further evaluation and optimization of project site due to new impact buffer zones

Internal EolicROI Application
Wind report, fact sheets, EolicApp & EolicAR
Customized Output & Visualizations
3D Visualization in a virtual globe environment
EolicAR application to visualize turbine on site in real-time
EolicApp to interact with relevant results, wind maps and statistics amongst others
Informative fact sheets, all outcomes presented clearly on one page
Detailed wind report covering all aspects of the planning process

Observe. Understand. Improve.
Eolific CFD simulations
Gust effects and turbulence
Impact on energy yield
Wind loads on objects
Animated simulations

For Turbine Manufacturers
Make your marketing processes eolifiscient
Speed up marketing processes
Improve customer investment decisions
Customizable for your business needs

Connect. Support. Change.
Renewable Energy
Project Acquisition
Connect with partners from our network
Focus on active and successful energy transition
Develop and implement new ideas with us
For Transmission System Operators
Power Grid Optimization with Dynamic Line Rating
Climate adapted optimization of overhead line operations
Wind loads in historical and current extreme events
Power grid analysis and climate forecasts

powered by
“By measuring and monitoring the meteorological parameters wind velocity and direction as well as solar radiation and air temperature, the transmission capacity of overhead lines can be optimized dynamically. Using this procedure measuring sites can be found by identifying bottlenecks of the maximum transmission capacity. Those bottlenecks are called hot spots.”
(menzio GmbH)

Analyze complex wind conditions
Optimization through
Wind Load Analysis
Determination of ambient states around the conductors by analyzing high-resolution local climate and terrain data
Transfer of weather parameters (wind, temperature, radiation) vertically and horizontally to the power line
CFD-based simulation of weather conditions at power line level
Analysis of wind loads on power masts
Provision of high-resolution meteorological time series for all OHL sections

Identify bottlenecks
Optimization through DLR & Hot Spot Analysis
Considering weather-based ambient states and technical characteristics of each power line
Calculating the maximum transmission capacity and defining the conductor thermal behavior by Cigré model
Analyzing specific capacity limits of each span to determine the probability of capacity exceedance under continuous load
Identification of critical spans (Hot Spots)
Reduction of the measuring points per overhead line by using an iterative buffer model
Analyze the influence of weather and climate
Climate Forecasts
Evaluating historical data and climate model scenarios for transmission system operators
Effects of rising air temperatures on the maximum transmission capacity
Consideration of data from the IPCC-reports
Evaluation of different future periods until the year 2100
Guarantee voltage maintenance and stability
Supplementary Grid Calculations
Preparation/Extension of load flow models for extra-high-voltage and high-voltage power systems
Parameterize, execute and evaluate grid calculations in order to solve essential problems in terms of increased transmission capability
Development of approaches for a safe and stable grid operation while using adaptive overhead line monitoring

For Agencies, Companies, Communities, Consultants, Public Utility Providers
SaaS Development & AI Solutions
Use AI to retrieve Geo & Green Data insights
Customized Progressive Web Applications
Adding interactive Geo Data Widgets to existing projects
Our Team

Susanne Trommen
CEO & Co-Founder - Graduate Geographer & Wind Energy Consultant

Thomas Ajj
CTO & Co-Founder - Data Scientist
Eolified Projects
Our Cooperation Network

Agile Wind Power AG
Agile Wind Power AG is a Swiss manufacturer and developer of large-scale vertical wind turbine Vertical Sky® for commercial power generation.
Vertical Sky® A32 (750 kW) is designed for distributed energy markets to economically produce power locally.

German Sustainables GmbH
German Sustainables GmbH – former Gale Force GmbH is a German manufacturer and developer of large-scale vertical wind turbine GS-1000 NT.
The new technology of 1.0 MW is able to complement conventional wind parks in order to reach a higher density and area efficiency.

Menzio GmbH
menzio GmbH is a German CFD software developer of WindStation, and expert in simulating wind conditions over complex terrain, in urban environments, for wind farm project planning, and for dynamic powerline rating.

Godman Power Group, Inc.
Godman Power Group, Inc is a U.S. manufacturer and developer of portable solar grids to guarantee access to safe and affordable energy, especially in remote regions worldwide.

Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias
The Technological Institute of the Canary Islands is a public company of the Government of the Canary Islands with a focus on activities and R&D in the renewable energy sector.